How To Increase Augment Slots Mhw

  1. How To Increase Augment Slots Mhw Classic
  2. How To Increase Augment Slots Mhw Weapons
  • Affinity Increase: Increase affinity. Stacks with other upgrades +10% affinity (+5 for 2nd and 3rd affinity augmentation) Defense Increase: Increase defense and adds a chance to reduce damage taken each time you receive damage. Stacks with other upgrades +10 defense: Slot Upgrade: Adds an extra slot. Stack with other upgrades to increase the.
  • A slot has a level between 1 and 3. A level 3 can hold a level 3, 2 or 1. If your slot isn't a high enough level, then you can't put that high a level decoration.
  • Attack, Affinity, Defense, Slot or health regen. Honestly i feel defense is the most worthless and useless one especially for a measly 10 points. And health regen too. I think affinity or slot upgrade are the best especially if your weapon has negative affinity you could augument it out, or already has good slots.

How To Increase Augment Slots Mhw Classic

Last updated on October 21st, 2018

It’s time again to dive into yet another semi-secret mechanic of Monster Hunter World. Today we will be talking about augmentations for weapons. In order to augment, players must acquire a Warrior or Hero Streamstone from tempered Elder Dragon quests. Hunters have a 12% chance to obtain a Warrior Streamstone and a 3% chance to obtain a Hero Streamstone.

Select the equipment you want to upgrade in the screen. Grey items represent equipment that you cannot upgrade, as you do not have the materials but you can easily upgrade the white items.

Augments’ Required Materials

Rarity 8

  • Needs 1 Hero Streamstone and 3 Gleaming Streamstone per augment
    • can only be augmented once

Attack Increase

  • Needs 1 Teostra Gem

Affinity Increase

  • Needs 1 Daora Gem

Defense Increase

  • Needs 2 Elder Dragon Blood

Slot Upgrade

  • Needs 1 Vaal Hazak Gem

Health Regen

  • Needs 1 Nergigante Gem

Rarity 7

How To Increase Augment Slots Mhw Weapons

  • Need 2 Warrior Streamstones and 3 Streamstone per augment.
    • can be augmented twice

Attack Increase

  • Needs 1 Rathalos Gem

Affinity Increase

  • Needs 1 Odogaron Gem

Defense Increase

  • Needs 1 Wyvern Gem

Slot Upgrade

How to increase augment slots mhw weapons
  • Needs 1 Legiana Gem

Health Regen

  • Needs 1 Anjanath Gem

Rarity 6

  • Needs 1 Warrior Streamstone and 3 Streamstone Shard per augment.
  • can be augmented 3 times

Attack Increase

  • Needs 2 Rathalos Plate

Affinity Increase

  • Needs 2 Odogaron Plate

Defense Increase

  • Needs 1 Bird Wyvern Gem

Slot Upgrade

  • Needs 2 Legiana Plate

Health Regen

  • Needs 2 Anjanath Plate

Augments’ Value

Attack Increase

  • +5 raw attack per augment

Affinity Increase

  • +10% on first augment
  • +5% on second augment
  • +5% on third augment

Defense Increase

  • +10 and +1 Blessing Level per augment

Divine Blessing as a 25% chance of activating

  • 15% damage reduction for Level 1
  • 30% damage reduction for Level 2
  • 50% damage reduction for Level 3

This Divine Blessing doesn’t not stack with the decoration Divine Blessing, so avoid mixing.

Slot Upgrade

  • +1 Level 1 Decoration on first augment
  • Upgrades Level 1 Decoration to Level 2 on second augment
  • Upgrades Level 2 Decoration to Level 3 on third augment

Health Regen

  • 10% Damage dealt is recovered on first augment
  • 5% Damage dealt is recovered on second augment
  • 5% Damage dealt is recovered on second augment

In conclusion

Ultimately, whether players choose attack or affinity, the difference between them is barely noticeable. Dibsville, a member of Fextra community, has made an excel sheet where players can see the difference between attack and affinity augments.

If you are looking for more Monster Hunter: World info, read what is inside the new Spring Blossom Festival coming out on April 6th and the contents of the Spring Update released on March 22nd for all. Alternatively, you can go in-depth with our featured guides: Attack Values & You, Monster Hunter World: The Canteen Explained With Ingredient Guide or Monster Hunter World: End Game Guide.

Affix AugmentsList of AugmentsAugment FactorsAugment Factors (Units)S-Grade AugmentsS-Grade Augments (Units)
  • 1General Information
    • 1.2Boosting Affix Success Rate
  • 3Adding Augments
    • 3.13'Super' Augments
    • 3.15Receptors

General Information

Extra Slot

When Affixing, it is possible to increase the number of slots on the base item by one by using the Extra Slot. When using the Extra Slot, the success rate of all Augments will be lowered by a certain percentage depending on the number of slots. An item can have a maximum of 8 Augments.

Slots 2 Material 3+ Material
0 → 1 100% 100%
1 → 2 85% 90%
2 → 3 75% 85%
3 → 4 60% 70%
4 → 5 50% 60%
5 → 6 45% 55%
6 → 7 35% 40%
7 → 8 30% 30%

Boosting Affix Success Rate

Same Name

When the base item and fodders are all the same item (same name), the Affix Success Rate is increased.With one fodder, the Affix Success Rate is multiplied by 1.1.With two or more fodders, the Affix Success Rate is multiplied by 1.15.Note that for this effect to apply, the base and fodders must all be the same item. If a single fodder is different, the effect does not apply.

Related Items

Adding Augments


Mastery is an Augment that can either be synthesized or transferred; it currently appears in-game as Mastery I, II, and III. The presence of another Augment, Doom Break, can boost the transfer and synthesis rate of Mastery III by 20%.

Mastery can be synthesized by combining the same tiers of Might, Precision, and Casting or Toughness, Reflex, or Genius. For example, to synthesize Mastery I, the fodders must have Might I, Precision I, and Casting I present.

Mastery Synthesis Rate
Mastery I 80%
Mastery II 70%
Mastery III 60%

*If Doom Break is present.

Mastery can also be transferred when multiple copies of it are present in the fodders.

Mastery No. of Copies
1 2 3
Mastery I 100 100 100 Transfer Rate
Mastery II 20 40 60
Mastery III 10 30 50
30%* 50%* 70%*

*If Doom Break is present.


Mutation is an Augment obtained from Titled Enemies, with Mutation I dropping from normal Titled Enemies and Mutation II from special Titled Enemies that appear in Seasonal Urgent Quests or special Limited Quests.

Mutation has the characteristic to boost the synthesis of next tier Augments from their previous forms. For example, the synthesis rate of Might III would be 30% by default with two copies of Might II; the presence of Mutation I increases the success rate to 60%, and up to 70% with Mutation II.

Mutation I can only boost the Synthesis Rate of Augments up to III while Mutation II can only boost up to IV.

Alter / Flict


Stigma is an Augment that drops from Rare variants or rare enemies such as Tagamikazuchi. Stigma occupies the same Augment slot as Alter and Flict.

Stigma cannot be synthesized, but the Transfer Rate of Stigma can be boosted by certain Monster Souls.

Ability No. of Copies
1 2 3
Stigma - 30% 50% Transfer Rate
- 50%* 70%*

*If certain Souls are present.


Vinculum is a rare Augment that drops from certain Urgent Quests and Named Bosses. Vinculum occupies the same Augment slot as Modulator and ARKS MAX.

Vinculum cannot be synthesized, but the Transfer Rate of Vinculum can be boosted by Anga Soul.

Ability No. of Copies
1 2 3
Vinculum - 30% 50% Transfer Rate
- 50%* 70%*

*If Anga Soul is present.


A rare Augment that only drops from Clones during Emergency Code: Clone. Modulator shares its Augment slot with Vinculum and ARKS MAX.

Modulator cannot be synthesized, but the Transfer Rate of Modulator can be boosted by Apprentice Soul or Gemini Soul.

Ability No. of Copies
1 2 3
Modulator - 30% 80% Transfer Rate
- 40%* 90%*

*If Apprentice or Gemini Soul is present.

Doom Break

Di Soul

Veteran's Mark


ARKS MAX is a rare Augment that increases all Pwr by 25. The ability can be synthesized by combining three copies of ARKS Fever. ARKS MAX occupies the same Augment slot as Vinculum and Modulator.

Ability No. of Copies
1 2 3
ARKS Fever - 40% 60% Synthesis Rate

ARKS MAX can also be transferred with sufficient copies.

Ability No. of Copies
1 2 3
ARKS MAX - 30% 50% Transfer Rate


Fevers are special Augments that drop from variants of Rappy and Nyau. Fevers have a 100% base Transfer Rate regardless of the number of copies used.


Factors and Reveries are types of Augments introduced in EP4 and EP5 respectively. Their transfer rates are identical for each.

Ability No. of Copies
1 2 3
Factor/Reverie - 30% 50% Transfer Rate

'Super' Augments

Certain Augments require a multi-step process to create; these are typically much more difficult to fuse than regular Augments due to their abnormally low success rates and the number of required materials, but they also give much greater stats than the average Augment.

Fusing a 'super' Augment requires two components: a Catalyst and a corresponding Augment.


Catalysts are Augments that are explicitly used as components in 'super' Augments. Each type of 'super' Augment requires four of a corresponding Catalyst type; the Catalyst in question is typically fused with lesser Augments that share a common theme, such as Factor Catalyst requiring all three types of Factors. Catalysts are always fused at a 10% base success rate.

Ability Synthesis Materials Success Rate
Soul Catalyst Elder Soul Luther Soul Gemini Soul Apprentice Soul Persona Soul 10%
Factor Catalyst Yamato Factor Mother Factor Deus Factor - -
Reverie Catalyst Elder Reverie Luther Reverie Gemini Reverie Appregina Reverie Persona Reverie

Other Components

'Super' Augments require one other Augment to trigger the final synthesis. The Augment in question depends on the specific 'super' Augment; some require synthesis, while others don't.

Final Augment Component Synthesis Success Rate
Astral Soul Soul of Darkness N/A -
Aether Factor Aether Soul Any EP4 Soul Any EP4 Soul - 10%
Mana Reverie Omega Memoria Omega Reverie Historia Soul Fabula Soul


To fuse a 'super' Augment, four of the corresponding Catalysts must be present as well as the corresponding component within the same recipe. The 'super' Augment will appear as a possible affix target if all conditions are met.

Augment Materials Success Rate
Astral Soul Soul of Darkness Soul Catalyst Soul Catalyst Soul Catalyst Soul Catalyst 60%
Aether Factor Ether Soul Factor Catalyst Factor Catalyst Factor Catalyst Factor Catalyst
Mana Reverie Omega Memoria Reverie Catalyst Reverie Catalyst Reverie Catalyst Reverie Catalyst

Guardian Soul


Receptors are rare Abilities that can be found on certain pieces of equipment. Receptors cannot be synthesized or transferred, but when used as a component in Affixing, it greatly enhances the transfer rate of other types of Abilities.

Soul Receptor

Soul Receptor is an Ability that can be used to boost the transfer rate of Soul-type Abilities. Soul Receptor can be found on certain weapons as an Augment Factor. When used as a component in Affixing, Soul Receptor boosts the transfer rate of all Soul-type abilities except for 'Di Soul' and Astral Soul to 100%. When transferred this way, Souls do not require multiple copies to enable transfer.

Soul Receptor can be used to transfer 'Di Soul' at a rate of 70%.

Soul Receptor can be used to transfer Astral Soul at a rate of 10%.

Affix AugmentsList of AugmentsAugment FactorsAugment Factors (Units)S-Grade AugmentsS-Grade Augments (Units)