Eve Venture Rig Slots

Frigate) fitting, attributes and screenshots at EVE Online Ships. Rig slots (size): 3 (Small) Venture. A comprehensive database of EVE Online. The Venture uses two Miner I in its high slots. Its role bonus makes them as effective as four Miners would be on most other ships, and training the Mining Frigate skill higher can improve that further. Note that mined ore will go into the venture’s 5000 m3 ore hold, rather than its 50 m3 main cargo bay. For a mining venture there honestly aren't that many rigs that are useful. I use ventures to gas mine in a wh and fit them for agility so i can warp out if i get jumped/when the sleepers spawn, but if youre mining in HS you don't really need that. I honestly would probably not rig the venture if i were you.

Mining ships: from the Venture to the Rorqual

Table of Contents

  • 2 Mining ships
  • 4 Industrial ships

The ORE tree

Mining ships appear under their own faction tree: ORE – which stands for Outer Ring Excavations. The ORE ships listed below are grouped by size, tech level, and speciality.

For each size, you progress vertically in tech level – the Tech 1 frigates leading to the Tech 2 frigates and T1 mining barges lead to the T2 exhumers. For the command ships – the horizontal progression shows the increasing size, from cruiser to capital.

Mining ships

Mining Frigates

The T1 mining frigate is the mighty Venture, you have met this one in the New Player Experience (NPE), where you get several free as you progress through the career agents. This frigate-sized hull uses mining lasers or gas harvesters and is bonused for both mining and gas harvesting.

With its 3/3/1 layout and a poor power grid, they have few options for fittings, but the 2 bonus points to warp core strength make it a relatively safe ship for travelling as it has a higher warp strength. In order to warp off, one must have a positive warp strength – all ships have at least a warp strength of one. When an enemy tackles you, they use a module like a Warp Disruptor or Warp Scrambler (or other more complex means) to reduce your warp strength. When you are pointed by a Warp Disruptor your warp strength is reduced by one, and a Warp Scram reduces your warp strength by two.

In most ships, this would reduce your warp strength below what you need to warp off, but a Venture has a warp strength of 3 and thus when an attacker uses a disruptor or scram to point you, you still have enough warp strength to warp away making escape easier. In order for other ships to increase warp strength to counter attackers, they must equip a low slot module called a Warp Core Stabilizer, which takes away from other things they could be equipping.

T2 variants of the Venture are the Prospect and Endurance. The Prospect is bonused for gas harvesting and ore. It loses the warp core strength bonus to gain covert ops capabilities in that it can fit a covert ops cloak – and thus can warp while cloaked. It should be noted that while the Prospect is T2, it gains no additional bonus for gas harvesting over the Venture. The Prospect has a 3/3/4 slot layout.

The Endurance is bonused for ice harvesting and ore mining and trades the warp core strength bonus for covert abilities. It has a 3/4/3 slot layout.

The size of a ship’s ore hold is important to consider while mining.The Venture only has a 5,000 m3 ore hold, whereas the Prospect and Endurance respectively have 10,000 and 15,000 m3 holds.

Mining Barges and Exhumers

There are three groups of mining barges and exhumers – each group has a T1 and a T2 variant (the barge and exhumer respectively), and each group has a speciality; tank, ore hold size, and mining yield.


Tank ships are useful for mining where you expect to encounter other players or against particularly tough rats such as you find in nullsec. With their specific bonus to shield hit points, and a role bonus to drone damage and hitpoints, tank mining barges and exhumers are also frequently used for hotdrop bait and fun roams.

The mining barge that is bonused for tank is the Procurer. The 2/4/2 layout of the Procurer allows for a good tank, but it is limited by its small power grid. The ore hold, at 12,000 m3 is second largest of all the barges, so you are not too disadvantaged by the trade-off for tanking.

The Skiff is the T2 variant of the Procurer. It has a higher base HP, and one more mid- and low-slot, giving a 2/5/3 layout and 15,000 m3 of ore hold.

Ore hold

Mining barges and exhumers with this bonus have much larger ore holds and are used frequently by people who prefer to AFK mine or do excursion mining into low and null security space.

The mining barge bonused for ore hold size is the Retriever. As well as the bonus, it has the largest base hold (22,000 m3). This barge is often used when no hauler is available.

The 2/1/3 layout does not give many options for tank, but the profusion of low slots allows for the use of modules to increase yield, although CPU limitations must be taken into consideration. The T2 variant is the Mackinaw, with an enormous 28,000 m3 base hold and 4 mid-slots. Due to CPU restrictions, however, these mid-slots are rarely used.


The mining barge focused on yield is the Covetor, while the exhumer is the Hulk. The yield focused ships have a minimal tank, faster mining laser cycle times, and the smallest ore holds. While they mine the most ore in a period of time and have higher range on their lasers, mining with them requires higher attention levels as the miner must empty the ore hold more frequently.

The payoff for this can, however, be significant.

The Covetor has a 2/1/3 layout which is bad for having tank but good for mining yield efficiency. The Hulk gains some additional ore hold and EHP but its tank remains extremely weak compared to the other exhumers. The better exhumer bonus to harvesting and mining duration make it the highest yield mining subcapital ship. It gains 3 mid-slots, giving it a 2/4/3 layout, but the extra mid-slots are frequently left empty due to fitting restrictions.

Mining Methods

There are multiple ways people that people mine – these include filling the ore hold and warping to a station or structure to drop off the ore(Fill and empty), jetcan mining, and mining in groups with dedicated boosters and haulers.

Fill and empty is a method one can do solo but it wastes a lot of time with the trips back and forth to the station or citadel. Mining ships are generally rather slow aligning and warping, and docking and undocking all take up time that could better be spent mining.

Jetcanning is a decent method of solo mining, especially if the miner has at least one alt. With one character, the miner can fill two jetcans before warping back to a station to pick up a Miasmos. They can then warp back to the jetcan to collect the ore, drop it off at a station, switch ships, and then warp back to the belt/anom to continue mining. With at least one alt you can mine non-stop and haul with the alt in a Miasmos.

If the miner has several alts, they haul with one and mine with the rest. This is one of the most efficient setups before one gets into group mining or mining command ships. There is however, one major drawback to jetcan mining. Others can take your ore. This is covered more in the survival section of this guide.

One can also mine with groups – this is an excellent option as it offers safety in numbers, as well as the possibility of receiving mining boosts from fleet members. Mining boosts provide up to 65% improved mining efficiency, depending on the skill of the booster. Rorquals are also useful when group mining because they can provide ore compression from their fleet hangars and ore holds while their Industrial Core is active. Even the tank bonused mining ships have their uses in group mining, coupled with an orca in highsec, they provide a way to mine in (relative) safety.

Industrial ships

Industrial Command Ships

The primary purpose of the industrial command ships was originally boosting, but with the recent change to Rorquals, there is significant mining to be done with them as well.

The Porpoise is a cruiser-class industrial command Ship. Industrial command ships are meant to support mining ops by providing mining boosts and hauling abilities, along with some mining capabilities. As such, the Porpoise is bonused for cargo, Mining Foreman Burst, Drone damage, hitpoints and yield; but also Remote Shield Boosting, tractor beams, survey scanners… The bonus list is quite extensive, here is a TLDR: fit two Mining foreman bursts, a set of mining drones, a set of combat drones and shield boosters (if you plan on fighting, not really recommended) or tractor beams.

The layout is 4/4/2, giving it some options, but remember one thing: this ship can not PvP alone.

With 500 m3 of base hold, 5,000 m3 of Fleet hangar (hold shared with the fleet and/or your corp) and 50,000 m3 of ore hold, it provides a significant hauling bonus to small fleets. At level V, the ore hold gets another 12,500 m3, making it equivalent to a bonus Procurer hold for your fleet.

The Porpoise is also the only industrial command ship that can enter frigate sized wormholes for boosting during wormhole mining/harvesting ops.

The next size up is the Orca. This battleship-sized hull has the same bonuses as the Porpoise, only with improved stats, better fitting options (3 Mining Bursts) and a faction battleship level price. With a 6/5/2 layout, tank is a serious option. It will still need support to overcome gankers, but its good base HP (over 80k EHP) should give some possibilities for counter drops. Be aware it will cost you over 800M isk though, making it a serious jump in price compared to a Porpoise.

With a base hold of 30,000 m3, 40,000 m3 of fleet hangar, 400,000 m3 of ship maintenance bay (to store assembled ships) and 150,000 m3 of Ore hold, hauling is becoming a serious thing. Maxed skills give over 180,000 m3 of ore hold, which corresponds to 5 full Mackinaw with maxed skills (35,000 m3).

Note that the Orca is a hybrid between a freighter, a battleship and a capital for its stats and layout, making it the hardest ship to classify.

Let’s now talk about THE ORE capital vessel: the Rorqual!

So, you might have heard of it, but let’s summarize its abilities. The base bonuses are the same as the Orca/Porpoise, the difference is in the role bonuses:

  • It can use an Industrial Core, which gives a bonus to shield defense, Mining Foreman Burst, Drone mining… we will talk about this later
  • It can fit a Clone Vat Bay, making it a movable clone bay.
  • It can operate ‘Excavator’ Drones, which are mining drones on steroids that will cost you an arm and a leg.
  • It can use the Pulse Activated Nexus Invulnerability Core (PANIC) that makes you and all industrial ships in your fleet within 200km of you untouchable for at least 5.5 minutes, and up to a maximum of 7.5 minutes depending on the Invulnerability Core Operation skill, however when the PANIC module is active you cannot warp away. This is usually a delaying action when being attacked to allow for a rescue fleet to be formed. The PANIC module can only be used while a Rorqual has an asteroid targeted.
  • It has a penalty to entosis duration, like all Capital ships (This is not mining-related).
  • It features the best boosts for mining in the game. While boosting with an active industrial core, a Rorqual can give impressive boosts to range as well as a 57% reduction in mining cycle time. Rorquals can also give boosts without running an industrial core, and while they are not as good as with the industrial core running they are still 25-30% better than the boosts you get from an Orca.

That’s a lot of information to look at, but let’s look at base stats.

It has a base effective hit-points of over 800,000, making it very capable of tanking before anything is added to it. The 8/7/4 layout gives plenty of room for a tank and an assortment of boosts. You can also fit (and should!) a cynosural field generator, a remote shield booster, and a PANIC along with an Industrial Core. For more details on these, check out our fitting chapter.

The holds are numerous and consist of: a 40,000 m3 base hold, 40,000 m3 Fleet hangar, 1,000,000 m3 Ship Maintenance Bay (this can only be used for industrial ships), and a 300,000 m3 Ore Hold. It also has a 10LY jump range with maxed skills (5LY base jump range, for number addicts).

Non-Ore mining related industrials

Eve Venture Rig Slots

Some of the most useful mining related ships are not ORE ships at all. Each race has different hauling ships – of these, the most useful for mining is Gallente Industrials, and specifically the Miasmos and Kryos.

The Miasmos uses the Gallente Industrial skill and has a specialized hold just for ore (and ice). The ore hold starts at 42,000 m3 and increases to 63,000 m3 at Gallente Industrial V. The regular hold on the Miasmos is a tiny 550 m3, but you don’t use a Miasmos for non-ore hauling, really. With a slot layout of 2/4/4, you can get a bit of tank, but a Miasmos is still a pretty fragile ship.

The other mining related Gallente Industrial with a special hold is the Kryos. The Kryos has a specialized hold for hauling minerals. It should be noted, that while a Miasmos can haul ore, compressed ore, ice, and compressed ice, the Kryos only hauls the minerals refined from ore, it does not haul ice products that are refined from ice. The Kryos starts with a mineral hold of 43,000 m3 and goes up to 64,500 m3 with Gallente Industrial V. The slot layout is 2/4/4, and like the Miasmos is pretty fragile.

Next up:Fitting Your Ship

When EVE Echoes first launched, every player that knew the game became very excited to play it. Even players that didn’t know it so well wanted to try it out! So many thought they had all the info they needed to have a great go at it. Unfortunately, that didn’t fully hold. Yes, it was worse for players that were completely new to the game.

Currently, the biggest problem that most of the players are facing is how to best equip (fit) their ships. And this is where we come in, as we have put together a complete EVE Echoes ship fitting guide, and we walk you through the best tips and strategies when it comes to ship fittings in the game.

General Rules For Ship Fitting

The first general rule in EVE Echoes is to know your role. Some ships have a Role Bonus that won’t apply if you’re not using that role. Other ships have that bonus but it’s given anyway. For example, check out the Can-Yue Prototype. The role for the Can-Yue currently isn’t playable. So where did the boosts come from?

If you check the medium Decomposer before fitting it, you’ll see its damage isn’t nearly as high as when fitted (31.36 DPS). Of course, calculate the bonuses from any skills you’ve trained before checking. Otherwise, the simple check is the optimal range of the medium Decomposer (24KM). With the skills upgraded, you’ll notice that when fitted the medium Decomposer’s range jumps up above your skill limits (simple math).

With the Role Bonuses of EVE Echoes in place, you’ll want to stick to your main guns as much as possible. The upper ships will have that role bonus to give nice boosts. The exception is for you that want to stick with mining and manufacturing. You really have no guns! The good news is that you can still train your skills to use other weapons. That’s where your versatility comes in. Oddly enough, that’s where a lot of problems/questions come in too! With Amarr, your main focus is on lasers and drones. With Gallente, your main focus is railguns and drones. Going with Caldari, it’ll be missiles and railguns. With Minmatar, the focus is on using cannons.

The next general rule for EVE Echoes is to always check the Resistance type showing in the Ship Info. Just scroll down a bit and either armor or shield resistances will show up. With this, you’ll know if you have a potential shield tanker or an armor tanker. From there, you can fit whichever type of boosters you need. This is in hopes of making your ships last longer. Which type is better is a matter of opinions and tactics. Just remember that shields can be reset with a docking. Damage to the armor and hull can produce Repair Costs.

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One of the easiest to remember general rules for EVE Echoes is to check the ship out as much as possible before buying/building it. The first place to start is the Market. Do note there’s nothing wrong with a Google search about the ship! Press and hold a ship in question and its Ship Info will show up for you. From there you can basically tell what you’re in store for. While you’re at it, check its price or its blueprints. More often than not, you can build a ship much cheaper compared to buying it. However, that highly depends on your Production skills.

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Last on the general rules list of EVE Echoes is to check the penalties before you fit something. There are lots of different things you can fit to your ships. Some can and do stack very well. Take a look at the Cargo Hold boosting Rig under Navigation Rigs in the Market. There’s no penalty for using more than 1. When you check a damage booster, among other things, you’ll find it does have that penalty. One of the weird ones is the Macro Particle Accelerator for the Decomposer. Fitting more than one can give you the instant 5% boost and it stacks. It’s a matter of you can’t use more than one at a time.

Fittings For Frigates

In EVE Echoes, everyone starts out with a Frigate. Oddly enough, they can give you a good start. It’s just a matter of which strategies you already know. From there, it’s all on your fittings. The first ship example is the Tristan.

With a pair of drone slots and 2 small railguns, you can do a lot more than most think. This ship will get tougher because of the EHP bonus of the drones. Yes, this is a fast little bugger like most other small ships! Start out by arming the Tristan with 1 Warrior and 1 Hornet. It’s a good damage mix. Next, fit 2 small railguns. Pretty much MK5 or higher will do. For the side slots you’d want a pair of Energy Nosferatu (NOS) or a pair of Stasis Webifiers (Webs). That depends on your use of the tactics you know. Since this ship doesn’t have Rig slots, there’s one less thing to deal with!

For the low slots, that’s entirely up to the tactics. With kiting or dragging, most of your attacks will come from the drones while you’re at range. So an armor repairer is always a good choice for the first slot. The other would be a MicroWarpDrive (MWD), an AfterBurner (AB) or a damage booster. The MWD or AB would be for closer range speed tanking. The idea being that you’re orbiting so fast and so close, the targets can’t hit you much at all (dodging). The kiting or dragging tactics are a bit safer so the damage booster works better.

The next EVE Echoes example ship is the Hound. This is another of the weird ones. Yes, it is a Frigate. Yes, you can put medium weapons on it (specifically the medium Torpedo). No, don’t bother with it unless you’re Minmatar (note the Role Bonus). Also don’t bother with it unless you’re using an Omega Clone.

The Hound is a Covert-Ops ship. So you can put the Covert-Ops cloaking device on it. This means you remain cloaked at any speed. You can also lock targets while cloaked.

Just don’t forget to train the proper skills for it. You will need to be an Omega Clone to train skills above normal.

If you want this ship to be able to move, you’ll have to be an Omega Clone to train Expert skill levels. The fun part is that this ship can go into bombing mode. This means you’ll gain hefty boosts to your range and damage. However, you’ll be a stationary target too. Obviously, medium torpedoes are your main weapons. From there a Web + NOS would work well on the side slots.

If you’re going in for being sneaky, use a Warp Disruptor + Web. A speed booster, a shield booster and a Covert-Ops cloaking device are your better bets. For the Rigs, the recommendation would be damage + range boosters and a capacitor + capacitor timer reduction boosters.

Fittings For Destroyers

The first example of a Destroyer fitting for EVE Echoes is the Corax Sniper. As it turns out, the Sniper class ships are among the best in their class/level. The trick is to remember to get the ship according to your role.

In this case, the Corax Sniper gains the Role Bonus when you’re Caldari. The fun part to Sniper ships is that there’s one for each of the currently playable roles. A set of 4 small missile launchers are going to bean your targets faster with the Role Bonus Velocity boost. Missiles are naturals at kiting and dragging tactics.

Fitted to the side slots would be 2 NOS and 1 Web. Of course, this works better when your clone is an Omega (Advanced skill)! Be sure to check the range of the Web and NOS so if something gets close enough, you’ll know when to trigger them.

For the low slots, you’ll want an AB or MWD because you can see the Flight Velocity isn’t that high. A shield booster would be a great addition since the Corax Sniper has a higher shield amount. From there, a capacitor booster would help make up for a quickly draining capacitor.

For the Rigs, the must have missile activation time reduction booster helps take advantage of the Role Bonus Velocity boost. Either a missile damage booster or its range booster would your better bets for the other slot. For the Engineering Rigs, any combination that doesn’t have penalties concerning capacitors is your better bet.

Eve Online Venture Rig Slots

The next EVE Echoes example Destroyer is the Dragoon Sniper. This is an Amarr ship that gives you a great start into the damage versatility of drone boats. Being an Amarr ship, cannons would be your better bet for the high slots. Reserve their use for targets that catch up to you.

With its Role Bonus, your drones would get to their target(s) much faster. Again, being an Omega clone to train Advanced Small Drone Upgrade makes the drone faster and hit harder. The trick to making the Dragoon Sniper a versatile attacker lies in the drone’s damage types. Your best bet is to look at the defenses of various ships. You’ll see which defense types would be weak on them. Match the 3 weakest defense types of the various ships to the drone’s damage types. At the minimum, at least one of your drones is going to bean targets hard.

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Drone boats are naturals at kiting and dragging tactics. However, in checking the Advanced Destroyer Command Bonus, a combination of 2 NOS and 1 Web works great. Again, check their ranges after fitting so you’ll know when you have to activate them.

You’ll really want an AB for one of the low slots and a drone damage booster for the other. On the third low slot, an armor repairer is your better bet. This is an armor type ship. Basically it’s anything goes for the Engineering Rigs. You would want the Combat Rigs to favor the drones. Those drone will be doing most of the “talking”. Using a range booster + damage booster is the recommendation.

Fittings For Industrial Ships

Of course an EVE Echoes fittings guide would show some love towards you miners! The tricks to it are to be fast and be safe. So you’ll need a hefty amount of skill training. The idea in being fast is to not only escape quickly, but fill your ore hold quickly too. The main ship example for mining is the Venture III. Much of the same ideas apply to the previous Venture ships but it’s the V3 that you want to spend your ISK on.

The Role Bonus helps you get away from attackers using a Warp Disruptor. This happens to be ORE. You’ll notice that the Mining Bonus lower compared to the Venture II. It’s fine since you have 3 mining lasers.

In training your Industrial Ship Command skill, your Scan Resolution increases. Even if you don’t equip drones, it’s that Scan Resolution which helps keep you safer. The idea is that you’ll be able to see the ships coming a bit quicker. So if you’re babysitting your miner as you should be, you’ll be able to escape before they can attack.

For the high slots, the recommendation is 3 Diode Mining Lasers. The idea is to keep the costs low but the gains high. It’s pretty much anything goes for the middle slots. The low slots benefit the most from an AB + MK5 Cloaking device + Warp Stabilizer. If you were too slow or you get snuck up on, the Cloaking device won’t help. Anything at 2KM or less range from you means you can’t use it. So you’ll need the Warp Stabilizer to help get you gone.

For the Engineering Rigs, 1 Circulation and 1 Efficiency rig helps pick up the pace. You’ll mine faster via activation time reduction and bigger chunks per cycle. The combination of skill training + targeting + positioning, you can get your full ore hold in 10 to 12 minutes. That and you can be pretty safe too! Shield boosters and/or velocity or warp boosters for the Combat Rigs are your better bets. Again, don’t slouch on your speeds!

The next example ship for mining in EVE Echoes is the Mammoth. Why not the Kyros? It’s because the Mammoth has a bigger Cargo Hold. This helps bring back ore in much larger amounts. The main trick to the Mammoth is that it’s a transport ship. So keep it in 0.3 Security (SEC) or higher areas.

The idea is to simply park it in a station either in the same area you mine in or within 1 or 2 jumps away. Then go mine with your V3! The biggest concern for mining is the campers. But in 0.3 and higher systems, the stations and gates still have Sentry Guns. A recent update made them hit harder. So camping low SEC areas won’t work nicely for campers!

The Mammoth is a Minmatar ship. So if you’re on Minmatar, the Role Bonus will kick in. But it only works when you have Warp Stabilizer fitted to it. Again, this really is a transport ship. So mining with it is a really bad idea! The main idea is to bring back as much ore as you can in one trip. So using the Cargo Hold Capacity boosting Rigs in the Engineering slots is your best bet. The free ones (Daily Supplies) provide a 60% boost in total. That’ll be 10,880 cubic meters in total (up to 13,600 or more depending on the Rig level).

The Mammoth also provides a large Ore Hold when you’ve upgraded Advanced Industrial Ship Command (up to 21,250 cubic meters). The oddball part to these upgrades is that you’ll have to check the cargo and ore holds manually to see the boosts. It’ll also have to be the active ship for them to work too. Ship Info won’t show it properly.

For the low slots, you’ll want a shield booster + AB or MWD + armor repairer. Swap the armor repairer for a Warp Stabilizer if you’re on Minmatar. Shield amount boosters are your better bet for the Combat Rigs.

Fittings For Cruisers

In EVE Echoes, the Cruisers are some of the toughest ships around. They don’t rely much at all on Role Bonuses. They’re bigger and a bit slower compared to others. The fun part is that they can be made to pack quite a punch. The first Cruiser example for fittings is the Moa.

As a single drone ship, it’s the Valkyrie that works the best on it. That damage type will tear through armors the best. Clearly 4 medium railguns are your best choice for the high slots. A lot of the Caldari ships are shield tankers. So using a shield booster + damage controller in the low slots is your first choice. The damage booster for railguns in the low slot is another excellent choice. An AB is standard and a MWD is fun! A Warp Stabilizer or a Shield Extender or a Capacitor Battery is the recommendation for the last low slot. Two Capacitor Control Circuits are the recommendation for the Engineering Rigs. The Railgun Burst Aerator + railgun damage booster are the recommendations for the Combat Rigs.

The next EVE Echoes Cruiser example fitting would be the Vexor Navy Issue (VNI). This one provides a really great go at having a drone boat. That’s as long as you’ve trained your Drone skill.

Your biggest concern with the VNI is the Advanced Medium Drone Operation skill. Naturally, you’ll want to use an Omega clone to maximize that. For the most part, your drones will be doing the “talking” for you. The idea is to provide a constant weak point attack similar but more so compared to the Dragoon Sniper. So put 1 of each type of drone into the drone slots. The recommended fifth drone would be another Valkyrie to tear apart enemy armor faster. Being a Gallente ship, the recommendation is to have 2 medium railguns fitted in the high slots.

The cool part to this is that when using kiting and/or dragging tactics, your capacitor lasts longer. You can equip a Capacitor Battery or a Warp Stabilizer in one of the low slots. The VNI is an armor tanker. So fitting an armor repairer is recommended. The Drone damage booster is another recommendation for the low slots. The last low slot works best when you’re keeping your speeds up. So a MWD or AB would be your better bets.

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The Combat Rig slots benefit the most with a damage and range booster (1 each). The Engineering slots benefit the most from a pair of Capacitor Control Circuits or a Capacitor booster + Control Circuit combination. The idea is that just in case something gets too close, you’ll need most of your fittings up and running. That’ll drain your capacitor pretty quickly! To prevent that, use those Engineering Rigs and a pair of medium NOS + 1 Web.

Fittings For Your Free Battlecruiser

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Yes, on your first day 30, as long as you’re an Omega, you’ll get a free Battlecruiser. The fun part is that it’s a Tier0 ship. Anyone can use it regardless of their current Tech Level. The problem is that it’s slow. The good news is that it hits a ton and does work well with kiting and dragging tactics! The obvious first part is to fit 4 medium Decomposers in the high slots.

Oddly enough, you get the Role Bonus anyway (currently unplayable role). From there it’s a matter of boosting the Decomposer skills as much as you can. When it comes to “up close and personal” battles, you better have a Web and 2 medium NOS fitted in the middle slots. Even if you’re aiming for pure kiting and/or dragging tactics, you still want those modules. That’s in case something goes wrong and/or an enemy gets too close. The tracking speed of Decomposers isn’t that high. The Web fixes that.

The biggest complaint for the Can-Yue is its defense (Glass Cannon). Kiting and/or dragging tactics can greatly help. However, using a shield booster in 1 low slot and 2 shield Rigs in the Combat Rig slots helps a lot. The third Combat Rig slot should be fitted with a damage booster. You want the Can-Yue’s punch nice and high. The other problem is that this ship pretty much hemorrhages capacitor in close range combat. Long range combat helps but not much! The Capacitor booster and Control Circuits are the recommendation for the Engineering Rig slots.


To help against its impressive slowness, an AB for dragging tactics or a MWD for kiting work well. The Capacitor Battery in the low slot is your best bet. Lastly is the fourth low slot. That’s where many get it a little mixed up.

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In order to have an impressively hard hitter, many placed up to 3 Decomposer damage boosters. It’s in order to stack the 5% passive damage boost. With this fitting using a single Decomposer damage booster, you’ll increase the Can-Yue’s survival rate. At the same time, you’ll still have quite a hitting machine.